BYOL REWIND – Episode 8: Tia Dionne Hodge-Jones

Episode 8

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Dave is the host of the Bring Your Own Lunch podcast. He has been a professional actor for the last 20 years and a proud member of SAG-AFTRA since 2003.

This episode of Bring Your Own Lunch originally premiered on September 3, 2014

This week Dave’s guest is actor/director/producer/playwright Tia Dionne Hodge-Jones, author of Play. Speak. Modern Monologues for the Modern Young Actor.

Tia talks about breaking into the business in Cleveland, her unique transition to New York, and finding her voice as a writer.

Plus, Dave goes on a bit of a rant defending the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!


Tia on Twitter: @TiaDionneHodge

Snopes article on ALS Donations
AFL-CIO List of 100 Highest-Paid CEOs

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    Episode 8